Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Glossary of Slang

1. Props- to give respect, recognition
  • usage- You have to give that girl some props for her straight A's.

2. Talent- describing a place or situation in which there are many good looking women

  • usage- Man, there sure is some talent here tonight.

3. Salty- feeling shame from being beaten in an embarrassing manner

  • usage- Steve is salty because the soccer team lost.

4. Shotgun- To claim rights to an object or service over anyone else

  • usage- Shotgun front seat!

5. Shady- suspicious in nature, questionable behavior

  • usage- Your boyfriend is acting really shady.

6. Shafted- cheated, deceived, tricked

  • usage- I got shafted out of the group.

7. Five-Finger Discount- shoplifting

  • usage- This shirt was a five-finger discount.

8. Sick- exceptional talent

  • usage- Strongsville's student section is sick!

9. Murse- man purse, a bag carried by a male

  • That murse looks really good with his outfit.

10. Mooch- to always take and never give back

  • Lisa mooches off of everyone!

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