Thursday, October 30, 2008

Strongsville Local Lore

Castle park is an essential place in Strongsville. It is located between the Strongsville Library and the Ehrnfelt Recreation Center. Castle Park represents the character of Strongsville because everyone has been there at least once in their life. As a resident of Strongsville for sixteen years, Castle Park was a very prominent part of my childhood. I looked forward to adventures to Castle Park all the time. Even though my visits were not far and few between, in my young eyes it seemed as though my visits were centuries apart. Seeing as Castle Park represents the character and nature of Strongsville, many years from now I plan on someday taking my children to an adventure at Castle Park. I want my kids to be able to experience Castle Park for themselves someday, since my visits were so memorable. Castle Park is considered a Strongsville local lore because it attracts people, young and old, everyday.

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